Thursday, May 13, 2010

Northerner likely Nigeria's next vice president: sources

ABUJA — Nigeria's new leader Goodluck Jonathan is likely to name northern Kaduna state governor Namadi Sambo as vice president of the oil-rich west African country, sources said on Thursday.

"President Jonathan last night summoned governor Sambo to the (presidential) state house where he intimated him of his decision to choose him as his vice president. Namadi graciously accepted the offer," a source in Namadi's office told AFP.

His nomination is expected to be validated by parliament later Thursday, a legislative source said.

Kaduna's state government official website hinted that Namadi, 55, could emerge as the vice president of Africa's most populous nation.

Namadi, an architect by training, was elected governor of Kaduna state in 2007.

Jonathan, Nigeria's former vice president, was sworn in as the head of state last week following the death of president Umaru Yar'Adua after a long illness.

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